aimex for Environmental Friendly Industrial Automation
“aimex” was born in the name of KOFA (Korea International Factory Automation System Exhibition)in 1990 and rebranded itself as aimex which stands for Industrial Automation, Instrumentation & Measurement Exhibition. aimex represents the core areas of industrial automation and is environmentally friendly exhibition.
aimex for Globalization
“aimex” is a global market place where qualified suppliers and buyers from all around the world meet and succeed.
aimex for Value
Active participation of exhibitors, buyers, related government bodies and group helps adding values to the exhibition.
aimex for Information & Innovation
“aimex” is the information platform where all the newest products and technologies in the industry are shared and promotes a revolution through the integration of information technology into the existing automation technology and system.
SHOW PERIOD: March 4 (Wed.) ~ 7 (Sat.), 4 days
SHOW VENUE: Pacific Hall & Indian Hall (1F), COEX
∙Process Automation: Instrumentation, Control Systems, Industrial Automation Software and Systems
∙Production Automation: FA Components, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components, Industrial Robots & Automation / Processing Machineries
∙Logistic Automation: Logistics Automation System
∙ID Access Control Systems: ID System & Solutions
∙Industrial Networks and IT Solutions
∙Environmentally Friendly Energy Saving Automation System & Solutions
∙Vendor Seminar & Technical Conference
- PERIOD: March 4 (Wed.) ~ 7 (Sat.)
- VENUE: Grand Ballroom, ASEM Hall, Conference Center
∙20th Anniversary Cocktail Reception
∙aimex Award
∙20,000th Visitor
∙Automation Industry Communication Network Conference
∙Hybrids Exhibition
For further information about aimex 2009, visit
☞ http://www.aimex.co.kr/2009/eng/default.asp
Pre-registrated visitors can enter the show without enterance charge or waiting long line-up. You can pre-registrate from this site.
☞ http://www.aimex.co.kr/2009/eng/visitor/online.asp